Day 18Day 18

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Day 18 – Thursday, January 23: “Wise Goals for My Finances” Pastor Daniel

Proverbs 11:24-25 (NKJV): 24 “There are those who disperse, and more is added to them; there are those who withhold more than is fair, and they end up in misery.” 25 “A generous soul will be made rich; he who satisfies others will also be satisfied himself.”
Have we not faced challenging economic situations on more than one occasion? In this context, the Word of God teaches us that He knows our needs and that He is rich in resources to supply and bless us.
As we begin this new year, and with the request for divine wisdom, it is imperative to establish a financial action plan. Just as we make resolutions, we must also learn to write down our goals in the financial area.
The first goal and resolution, which has been a great blessing, is to put God first. You have probably heard about the importance of giving the firstfruits to the Lord (Deuteronomy 26:10; Romans 11:16). In our finances, we must learn to offer our firstfruits, being generous in our tithes, which represent 10% of our income, as an expression of gratitude and obedience to God. The NTL version says the following: "Give generously and you will be richer; be stingy and you will lose everything. The generous will prosper, and the one who revives others will be revived."
Within this framework of measures, it is also essential to be generous in our offerings, which help promote the Kingdom of God and his gospel, as well as assist those in need. God knows generous and giving people; let us remember that we cannot deceive Him, and He knows how to prosper us for an abundant harvest. By putting God first, everything else becomes much simpler. The second point to consider is the creation of a budget that takes into account both income and expenses. Common sense and mathematical logic teach us that we cannot spend more than we earn.
The third point is to set aside savings for the future. It is essential to have a vision that includes possible trips, vacations, studies or even an emergency fund. Saving is synonymous with wisdom.
Although we know that the Sun rises for everyone, both for the good and the bad; however, God's blessing is exclusive to those children who live in obedience.
Action of the day: To be good administrators of our finances, put God first and show it generously through your tithes, offerings and first fruits.
Also, create a budget that reflects your income and expenses and begin to balance it. Within your possibilities, start a savings fund.