Romans 15:19 (GW) 19 by the power of miraculous and amazing signs, and by the power of God’s Spirit, I have finished spreading the Good News about Christ from Jerusalem to Illyricum.
I remember seeing some children playing in the park, and what caught my attention was that they both wanted to play with the same toy, they didn't want to share it. How many times does the same thing happen to us with the things of the Lord? God blesses us with an extraordinary gift in his infinite mercy called salvation, or a miracle in our lives, or a financial miracle, and with the fullness of his Holy Spirit, and we do not want anyone to know what God has done, as if it were that we don't want anyone to steal the miracle from us.
What God gives us is so that we can communicate it to those around us. And that makes our lives that much more enjoyable.
There is a powerful biblical principle that says it is more blessed to give than to receive.
As we enter this third week of fasting and prayer of encouragement that you can share with those around you, this word that was released to you that brought so much blessing, "with God you always win, you never lose," or the word of faith that has impacted you, salvation, marriage reconciliation, prosperity, physical healing, whatever the word has to share, and do not keep it only for yourself.
James 2: 17-18 (GW) 17 In the same way, faith by itself is dead if it doesn’t cause you to do any good things. 18 Another person might say, “You have faith, but I do good things.” Show me your faith apart from the good things you do. I will show you my faith by the good things I do.
The apostle Paul in the verse at the beginning says that I have filled everything with the Gospel. He couldn't stop saying what God did in his life. And not only speak of the word of faith, but also show it with our actions, in people who are in need, and thus show the love of Christ.
Today's action: Share with others what God has done with you.
Call someone and give a word of hope, share Jesus as King and Savior.
Pastor Daniel Bielewicz
I remember seeing some children playing in the park, and what caught my attention was that they both wanted to play with the same toy, they didn't want to share it. How many times does the same thing happen to us with the things of the Lord? God blesses us with an extraordinary gift in his infinite mercy called salvation, or a miracle in our lives, or a financial miracle, and with the fullness of his Holy Spirit, and we do not want anyone to know what God has done, as if it were that we don't want anyone to steal the miracle from us.
What God gives us is so that we can communicate it to those around us. And that makes our lives that much more enjoyable.
There is a powerful biblical principle that says it is more blessed to give than to receive.
As we enter this third week of fasting and prayer of encouragement that you can share with those around you, this word that was released to you that brought so much blessing, "with God you always win, you never lose," or the word of faith that has impacted you, salvation, marriage reconciliation, prosperity, physical healing, whatever the word has to share, and do not keep it only for yourself.
James 2: 17-18 (GW) 17 In the same way, faith by itself is dead if it doesn’t cause you to do any good things. 18 Another person might say, “You have faith, but I do good things.” Show me your faith apart from the good things you do. I will show you my faith by the good things I do.
The apostle Paul in the verse at the beginning says that I have filled everything with the Gospel. He couldn't stop saying what God did in his life. And not only speak of the word of faith, but also show it with our actions, in people who are in need, and thus show the love of Christ.
Today's action: Share with others what God has done with you.
Call someone and give a word of hope, share Jesus as King and Savior.
Pastor Daniel Bielewicz
Hebrews 11:27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; because it was sustained as seeing the Invisible.
Activate: make it go live. Faith is the ability of God to do things, to walk the sky and make it operate in our environment.
The bible tells us about Moses, his life is divided into three times: 40 years in Egypt, 40 years herding sheep and 40 years manifesting the Glory of God.
During the 40 years that Moses was herding the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, during that season he had no encounters with God, what sustained him was faith, as if seeing the invisible. When Moses has the encounter with God, he sees the same fire of God burning, it is there that God's thing is activated in his life.
In Exodus 3 he tells us of a man where he comes out of the silent season of anonymity and finds himself in a supernatural way not only with his call, nor his destiny, not only with his purpose but with God himself. And Moses never thought the same again. Everything in the life of Moses was altered and changed, the bible says that Moses crossing the desert came to Oreb mount of God. Moses moved from one point to another, God appears in Moses' life when he crossed the desert. As soon as he went further, as soon as he dared to step out of his comfort zone, it is at that point that he sees the fire of God burn. And that is where after 40 years he had an encounter with God again. We have to learn to ACTIVATE our faith in order to see the Glory of God move. Moses left his surroundings that stopped him, and said I'll see what's on the other side, it is necessary to leave the circle and go further. God challenges us, breaks your limits, gets out of conformity, out of doubt. Many times we are limited by our own environment. It was not God who came to Moses, Moses was the one who approached God. The bible says draw near to Him and he will draw near to you. There is a visible Faith that manifests an invisible God. We have to understand that one of the greatest powers that governs the spiritual world and the natural world is precisely faith. When God sees faith in someone, he takes action and begins to give things in your favor. God does not want the bible to be a museum where you read about what God did with Moses, Abraham, Jacob or Daniel was left as a reference for us,
In Mark 4 he speaks of 4 friends who carried a paralyzed man on a stretcher, could not enter through the Door, broke their limitations, activated their faith, and that is faith, it is the word of God, that if He says that I am healthy I am , I am prosperous; I am, I am blessed; I am, they made their way, and believed by the miracle and this is where they did something illogical, they climbed on the roof, they went against all odds, against all impediments, and the challenge arrived !!! .. time to descend to the paralytic. Jesus, seeing that, was not bothered by the interruption, Jesus was impressed, God likes to see your faith, your faith is never invisible to our God, faith is heard, faith is seen. Faith breaks into the natural environment, we are not of time, therefore time cannot define us, it is not who you are in time, it is who you are in eternity, time is designed for you to work with us. When God shows faith, in a son of his he says to my son I have to manifest power, certainty and conviction, God operates in that Faith to attract and create to bring into existence what is invisible. People of Faith think differently and say today is the day where God wants to do something in my life. Those people are you and me.
Pray and ask God to activate your Faith to go further and see what you are waiting for manifested.
Evangelist Alejandra Espejel
Activate: make it go live. Faith is the ability of God to do things, to walk the sky and make it operate in our environment.
The bible tells us about Moses, his life is divided into three times: 40 years in Egypt, 40 years herding sheep and 40 years manifesting the Glory of God.
During the 40 years that Moses was herding the sheep of his father-in-law Jethro, during that season he had no encounters with God, what sustained him was faith, as if seeing the invisible. When Moses has the encounter with God, he sees the same fire of God burning, it is there that God's thing is activated in his life.
In Exodus 3 he tells us of a man where he comes out of the silent season of anonymity and finds himself in a supernatural way not only with his call, nor his destiny, not only with his purpose but with God himself. And Moses never thought the same again. Everything in the life of Moses was altered and changed, the bible says that Moses crossing the desert came to Oreb mount of God. Moses moved from one point to another, God appears in Moses' life when he crossed the desert. As soon as he went further, as soon as he dared to step out of his comfort zone, it is at that point that he sees the fire of God burn. And that is where after 40 years he had an encounter with God again. We have to learn to ACTIVATE our faith in order to see the Glory of God move. Moses left his surroundings that stopped him, and said I'll see what's on the other side, it is necessary to leave the circle and go further. God challenges us, breaks your limits, gets out of conformity, out of doubt. Many times we are limited by our own environment. It was not God who came to Moses, Moses was the one who approached God. The bible says draw near to Him and he will draw near to you. There is a visible Faith that manifests an invisible God. We have to understand that one of the greatest powers that governs the spiritual world and the natural world is precisely faith. When God sees faith in someone, he takes action and begins to give things in your favor. God does not want the bible to be a museum where you read about what God did with Moses, Abraham, Jacob or Daniel was left as a reference for us,
In Mark 4 he speaks of 4 friends who carried a paralyzed man on a stretcher, could not enter through the Door, broke their limitations, activated their faith, and that is faith, it is the word of God, that if He says that I am healthy I am , I am prosperous; I am, I am blessed; I am, they made their way, and believed by the miracle and this is where they did something illogical, they climbed on the roof, they went against all odds, against all impediments, and the challenge arrived !!! .. time to descend to the paralytic. Jesus, seeing that, was not bothered by the interruption, Jesus was impressed, God likes to see your faith, your faith is never invisible to our God, faith is heard, faith is seen. Faith breaks into the natural environment, we are not of time, therefore time cannot define us, it is not who you are in time, it is who you are in eternity, time is designed for you to work with us. When God shows faith, in a son of his he says to my son I have to manifest power, certainty and conviction, God operates in that Faith to attract and create to bring into existence what is invisible. People of Faith think differently and say today is the day where God wants to do something in my life. Those people are you and me.
Pray and ask God to activate your Faith to go further and see what you are waiting for manifested.
Evangelist Alejandra Espejel
The word apply means to implement and utilize, to put to use.
How do we implement or put to use the Word of Faith in our lives?
In order to do this we need to read the Word daily. We need to strengthen our faith by spending time with God. We also need to have confidence in the Lord that He KEEPS His promises.
Matthew 8:24 says: “therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
The Bible is intended to be applied into our lives, not just read. It does us no good to just read it and never apply it or put it to use. We need to let the Word penetrate into our lives and utilize it. This will increase our faith so we can put it into action.
James 1:22 says: But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
Applying the Word will increase our faith in trusting God in all things and for all things!
Maria Ortiz
How can I enjoy? I ask this question frequently. How can I enjoy this moment?
Psalms 119:14-16 says
“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”
This passage of the bible speaks so much truth. When we are focused on the ways of God, our hearts can focus on what is true, what is really worthwhile. From experience whenever I take the time to get closer to God, to seek Him, He gives me JOY, He gives me a way of seeing things as He sees them. A perspective of appreciation and having the ability to enjoy!
There are times in life that it gets difficult to enjoy. Because there is pain, sadness, confusion, but we know that all of these are part of life. We also know that everything is temporary. Looking back we notice that when we thought we couldn't take it anymore, God was there with us and looking back we recognize His hand in our lives. If you are going through something difficult and you want time to speed up, I want to remind you that God is with you and his promises are your life! I invite you to cheer up. The best way to cheer up, is seeking the God. We are stepping into the word of walking in the word of Faith for 2021. We know "that faith is by hearing, and hearing, by the word of God." (Romans 10:17) grow your faith and seek Him. So your faith can be stronger and your joy always be present. Have your eyes fixed on the Lord because He always has the best for us. So enjoy today. There are promises that are in the process, so start to enjoy, because today will never happen again. This season will pass and we’ll never be able to go back. Enjoy your process and seek God.
Action for the day: Take some time today to walk outside and talk with God. Look at nature and admire the hand of God. He holds everything. Try to listen to His voice. How He comforts and lifts you. Enjoy this season because soon there will be another season for your life. Everything is temporary. So take some time to enjoy this day, this season, even if it is difficult or easy. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy today and trust its promises!
Priscila Sanchez
God is powerful! He is Holy! We should be reverent and fear the Lord, but He also wants us to enjoy it. Delight yourself because his love is the purest love you have ever experienced. Sometimes we lose our joy in places that offer little compared to their presence. As you enter 21 days of fasting, you will enjoy the word of faith. Our enjoyment starts here! How can we enjoy our faith?
To enjoy something, you must interact with it. In the same way, to enjoy God, we have to get to know him. As I enjoy the presence of God, I am grateful for the "refined" word of faith that God gave me. With the grace and mercy of God, the revelation of his truth is born. We are free to rejoice! Based on Job 23:10, How delicious it is to know that "when I am tasted by fire, I will come out as pure as gold." You will go through a process and you will come out purified. You will be refined by the refiner! The process in which one is purified and polished as new. What a great way to start the new year, to be as pure as gold? You will be filled with love and nurtured with enough faith to receive words from above to spread these opportunities to others.
After this purification process, you will taste the sweetness of God's love up to where it will begin to flow to others. Multiply the joy by sharing this effusion. Remind your friends of your healing power and unconditional love. Celebrate with gratitude until you puff up! Let's not wait until we have lost something or someone to notice their blessings!
Expect the good works of God to unfold with enthusiasm, just as a child waits for gifts at Christmas. There, in advance, you will find the peace to be still. Leave the hustle and bustle and leave your thoughts in the hands of our King. Raise a song of praise and your joy will increase. Don't miss out on telling God how much you love him!
To enjoy your faith, remember what God has done for you and where He rescued you from. Spend time with God and share it with others. Be grateful and rejoice! Be still and know it! Sing to him and express how much you love him! Enjoy your faith! Enjoy the trip! Remember that the refiner is never very far from the furnace mouth when your gold is on fire. Get into fasting mode, God is there to refine you!
Bairon and Kendra Sagastune
2 Timothy 2:2 New Living Translation 2 You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.
Paul couldn't be more direct in suggesting to Timothy, Teach these truths to other people! The duty of every believer is to speak the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is bringing salvation through Faith.
Training someone is taking the teaching to another level of Faith.
Meditate for a moment, how many times have you been the one who has heard truths be taught? Or you can be one of the reliable witnesses to confirm the truth of the teachings of the gospel… I can assure you that in your life as a believer, The power of Faith has been present.
I challenge you today, can you think of someone trustworthy and capable?
Do you think you know one or five perhaps?
Leave the biases of earthly eyes. Look at things with Spiritual eyes and you will realize that although there are not many who qualify. God has made us worthy of such a privileged task.
Training someone in the word of Faith can be as simple as saying God loves you. Or more intense as to tell someone, God can do it even if you have everything against it.
Faith is something that increases with trust. Hebrews 11:1 Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. .
You realize how you are someone capable of training in the word of Faith? Your Faith has taken you from a place of doubt to a place of trust.
Not because you've already achieved it all. But because your trust is placed and grows in Jesus.
Do you think there is someone you can train to have more faith? Or does your Faith need more training? Even if a teaching comes with instructions, rules or a training manual. It is not something that is achieved without learning a great lesson in Faith.
2 Timothy 2:7 Think about what I am saying.
The Lord will help you understand all these things. May God help you grow your Faith, May God help you train others to obey by Faith. And remember that without Faith it is impossible to please God.
Peter Sandoval
1 Corinthians 11: 1 (GW) 1 Imitate me as I imitate Christ.
I remember in high school they trained us for track and field races, and the coach said “train until it hurts”, it was the breaking point of a record. He used to tell me don't give up and don't settle for second place.
In the Kingdom of the Lord we know that we will be tested in our faith, in what we say, and in what we do, and time will show if we are patient in the promise we have received. We are the window showing the world what a child of God should be.
The vision of the Church has a very important spiritual ecosystem, it begins with preaching, winning, and forming disciples, men and women of faith who are willing to take the word of revival about our city, transformed lives, families, and an entire nation, with the Gospel message. That is my word of faith. And I have to work hard encouraging the new generation, who can see in my life, the person most similar to Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 6:12 so that you will not be lazy, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
This time of fasting may end this week, but we must train ourselves, improve ourselves, and show others that the word of faith has power and has to be transmitted, it has to be patiently waited, because God keeps his promises.
I firmly believe that God will use you greatly, and you will be able to make disciples, starting with those who are close to you in your home, and those in your work, in your school. You are going to show them that faith in God is rewarded, that the Holy Spirit continues to give life, when our lips release life in the name of Jesus.
Maybe you don't have high theological studies, but you have the word of faith, that can make a mountain move. But you have to believe it, accept it and put it into practice. Teach others the way that pleases God. That way of Jesus, of hope and love.
As a pastor, I have blessed you with every blessing from heaven, and I hope you will imitate all of God in my life.
Pastor Daniel Bielewicz
These are some words of faith, to memorize and confess.
- * "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13.
- * Delight yourself also in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37
- * I REJECT the spirit of fear, because the shelter of the Most High protects my life. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will dwell in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91: 1
- * "Love casts out fear." 1st John.
- * "My God will supply all your needs, according to his riches in glory." Philippians 4:19
- * "I will not die but I will live to tell the wonders of my God."
- * "I patiently waited for Jehovah, and he delivered me from all my fears."
- * I REFUSE to be overcome by insecurity, because God is with me.
- * I REJECT poverty, because God is my prosperity.
- * I REJECT the spirit of death, because the law of the Spirit of Christ is activated in me.
- * I REJECT every wicked strange voice, because the only voice I must hear is the voice of the Spirit.